To prepare Astra for the challenges of a circumnavigation, 4 separate repair periods were undertaken.
April - July 2021
12 weeks in the Calero Marinas shipyard in Arrecife, Lanzarote.
Steelwork:- Fitting of a 2,000 kg Optima Nozzle by Damen around Astra’s 1.72m CPP
Fabrication and fitting of 3 aluminium fashion plates on either side to connect the bulwarks to the Portuguese bridge
Fabrication and fitting of an aluminium mast support for the VSAT dome
Fabrication and fitting of a structure aft to support 2 x RIBs at an elevation >2.2m above the deck and create a structure that would house 7 x 1,500L special designed IBC Tanks
Removal of bow pushing rubber and bring the steel plate flush with the hull
Improve large access hatch to engine room (for lifting with crane)
Fabrication and fitting of oil storage drum arrangement
Mitsubishi main engine at 8,400 hrs, the 6,000 hr service was repeated
Volvo Penta (40 kVa) serviced
Cummins Onan (15 kVa) serviced (decision made to replace)
Assess shaft generator
Hydraulics serviced
Air compressors serviced and tanks tested
Inspection and internal clean of all diesel tanks
Install Fleet Broadband
Install Inmarsat C
Install FURUNO MF/HF SSB Radio
Install FURUNO Chart Radar 3220 BB
Install C-MAP, MAXSEA Timezero 4 with worldwide charts
Install FURUNO Wave Analyser
Install Oscar Navigation AI system
Install back-up Autopilot SIMRAD AP70
Install FURUNO GNSS (GP170)
Install FURUNO Satellite Compass (SC-70)
Install SILECMAR Engine Monitoring and Fuel Consumption Monitoring system
Install PSM Marine remote tank gauging system
install large capacity freezer (4 months for 5 crew)
Install large capacity dry store space (6-9 months for 5 crew)
Install low level night lighting
Install combined water chiller/boiler
Re-design galley
Internal - all engine room bilges cleaned and painted white
External - all paintwork completed (Jotun commercial)
August 2021
10 days Vigo, Spain
Replace existing(15 kVa) generator with a new larger 23 kVa Cummins Onan generator
ASTRA then departed on 7,000NM of extensive sea trials in the North Atlantic as far north as the Arctic Circle, before returning to Vigo 7 weeks later.
Sep - Oct 2021
5 weeks Vigo
12,000 hr Top end overhaul of main engine
Replace existing (25 kVa) shaft generator, with a new larger 50 kVa MecceAlte Shaft Generator
Replace existing mechanically controlled hydraulic power take off (PTO) pump from main engine to shaft generator with a new electronically controlled PTO pump
Replace 2 x engine room fans
Replace sea water plate cooler
Service Volvo Penta
Main switchboard, upgrade breakers to match the rating of all new equipment and replace all existing breakers
Fabricate and install fuel oil overspill pipe arrangement and new elevated diesel vents
Nov 2021
1 week in the Calero Marinas shipyard in Arrecife, Lanzarote.
Hull inspection
Optima nozzle inspection
Anti-fouling below waterline
Replace all anodes
Fit base structure on fore deck for the carriage of 7 x 1,000L IBC Tanks
Install back-up FURUNO GNSS (GP170)
Install back-up FURUNO Satellite Compass (SC-70)
ECDIS configured for ‘Pay As You Sail’